Nothing like them is there; they are quite beautiful. Arguments rage about which is the best but for me the conclusion is simple - Iguacu.
Haven't seen the Angel Falls, the highest drop, but that looks like a stream coming over a cliff. Seen Vic Falls, the highest volume, but the view is ruined since they drop into a narrow canyon and you have no perspective. Niagara, especially the Canadian side, is splendid but there are only two main falls and not much else.
Iguacu is an unending series of cataracts, big and small, cascading on all sides into a canyon set in sub-tropical rain forest.

(The pics aren't mine since I got there too late for the helicopter trip). But look at the setting and the endless series of terraces, cliffs and water. This for me was Rivendell writ large and real. And I haven't even mentioned the butterflies and the toucans.
Another must see of this world.
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