Monday, 13 October 2008

Kai Tak

Monday, October 13th, 2008

Kai Tak was the old international airport of Hong Kong; it closed in 1998. No major airport landing in the world will ever compare to one at Kai Tak. It was thrilling.

Typically, your plane flew towards a hilltop on which there was a red and white checkerboard. At some moment, I do not know when, the plane banked sharply right and then flew in over the buildings of Kowloon. You could even see the washing hanging out to dry on the apartment balconies. Then a slight jigger to the left and you were lined up for the landing - maybe not straight on for there was often a cross wind.

Many have said that it was dangerous but the accident records show different. I suspect that pilots concentrated harder here and maybe, they were the best the airlines had.

Sure a light plane landing in some remote Andean airstrip might be just as hairy but here you see the likes of the 747, 777 etc handled like Spitfires. Wonderful!

Try this link:

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