Today, the BBC News reports that researchers may have found a route by which Homo Sapiens crossed the Sahara to the coast of Libya and then onwards. This may have happened around 120,000 years ago.
They may well be right but what is puzzling me is why Homo Wotsit took so long to get his butt moving. Down at Olduvai Gorge in Tanzania, Homo Habilis was making tools around 1.8 million years ago whilst at nearby Laetoli, there are bipedal footprints which go back around 3.7 million years. The latter belong to a pre-hominid Australopithecus Afarensis and were preserved by volcanic ash.
Well Olduvai Gorge doesn't seem very hospitable then and it isn't today - see my pic.
You would think Homo Thingy would have got a move on.
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