Friday, 24 October 2008


Friday, October 24th, 2008

I know I said earlier that I wasn't fond of dogs but that is my position as an adult. As a child, it was different.

Scamp was my dog and I mean MY dog. When I was 5 or 6, I used to meet him roaming the streets on my way home from school. He was an Alsatian/Greyhound cross which meant he was a kinda fast big dog. He used to follow me home and my parents had to chase him away.

One day, his owners came to our house. I don't know what they said but it was something like that he was better off with me. So we kept him. He was as gentle as a lamb with me and my siblings and my friends but quite ferocious if he thought any of us were threatened. He went off with us across the fields and down by the river and I guess my parents thought we were safe with Scamp.

He died whilst I was away at University so he had a long life. Scamp was a mate.

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