Wednesday, 8 October 2008

Death on the freeway

Wednesday, October 8th, 2008

Statistically, our motorways are the safest roads in Britain. Subjective observation confirms that. Me, I worry more about accidents in car parks where no bugger is looking. But every now and then we have a horrendous prang on the motorways involving lots of vehicles.

The TV news reports this and usually blames the 'motorists' for driving to fast or being inattentive or whatever and I assume that by referring to 'motorists', they are referring to car drivers.

Well, I have seen a lot of motorway pile-ups and when it's just cars, it's messy but not a lot of real harm done. However it's quite different when a truck is involved for then people die. It's not just a question of their size; our truckers drive like assholes bumper to bumper even in fog. They tailgate, they pull out on a whim, they block the lanes so it's no wonder that they kill.

Time the TV news had a go at these 'Knights of the Road.'

October 22nd now and we learn that on the night of the 20th, an entire family, the parents and the 4 kids were obliterated on the M6 as a truck ran over their car completely crushing it and sending it up in flames.

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