Wednesday, 29 October 2008

Mountain Gorillas

Wednesday, October 29th, 2008

There are no Mountain Gorillas in zoos and there are say 600 or 700 or so left in the world. All live in a mountainous area on the borders of Uganda, Rwanda and the Democratic Republic of the Congo. A few groups have been 'human habituated' which means to say that, although wild, they are used to humans being around them. Only one group of people can trek to see any single group each day: the group is limited to a max of 8 and your time with them is one hour and no more.

I trekked to see such a group in May this year. It was extra special to be so close to these gentle creatures with adults eating and the kids larking around. A 2 yo played a game with me with a twig with a few leaves on it and then put his hand out to me. Well, I did not shake hands for the bacteria on mine might have killed him.

If you wish to see some of my pictures, then go to:

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