Tuesday, 21 October 2008

Smoked haddock chowder

Tuesday, October 21st, 2008

Problem? I have one smoked haddock fillet left over from last night and the freezer is pretty full.

Answer? Cook it. So rummage around in fridge and store cupboards. Right we'll have a go at a chowder. No recipe but here's my take.

Slice baby potatoes and parboil.
Chop the tired spring onions which I should have eaten at the weekend and stir fry with chopped smoked bacon.
Drain the spuds and the sweet corn (canned). Keep the liquor and add half a fish stock cube.
Flake the haddock.
Put 1 can of bouillabaisse soup into a saucepan. Add some tarragon and parsley. Chuck in everything else and top up with the stock as necessary. I also added some frozen cooked mussels.
Simmer for about 20 mins.

Simple isn't it. But then I was once a chemist. And yes, I know chowders are suppose to have cream but that disagrees with me so this is fine.

It tastes fine. Better than all that supermarket muck with its 3% fish.

And that leads me to another point. How can they call it chowder or fish soup or what if it is only 3% fish? You'd be mighty upset if I sold you a wheel nut and told you it was a car.

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