Tuesday, 7 October 2008


Tuesday, October 7th, 2008

Well I touched on ancestral rights earlier but let us move to the wider issue. The whole bloody world talks about rights today. And please note that you don't hear nearly as much about obligations even though it is a two-way street.
I guess you could argue that when we enter this world, we have no rights. But by common consent we do. People, through the ages, have defined rights and fought for rights and now they are established in constitutions or Common Law or whatever. And the world is a better place for it.

BUT and there is always a but. We live in a world where every Tom, Dick and Harry seems to be asserting their rights. Defy them and you are open to being accused of discrimination or some form of .....ism. Crap!

No, I don't think people who need to have 2 seats on an airplane to accommodate their butts should get them for the price of one. Cars are dimensioned for the fifth to 95th percentile; it would cost a fortune to fit them to dwarfs and giants. My son is red-green colour blind but he aint asking for all the traffic lights to be changed on his behalf.

I live in Wales and that means every piece of official mail I get is twice the size of English posts for it is in two languages despite Welsh being a minority language. And you don't see many 'Save the Planet' protests on that one.

And I cannot remember when I last saw when I last saw a mom using a pushchair on a ramp or someone using a wheelchair for the same. The majority use the bloody steps which must have been cheaper to construct.

I am very happy to see minorities accommodated but don't give me this 'rights' shit. Rights are decided by the common consent of the majority and it would be nice to see a bit of gratitude from the minorities for a change.

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