Wednesday, 8 October 2008

Church in Wales

Wednesday, October 8th, 2008

The Church in Wales appointed a divorcee as Bishop of Bangor back in 2004 but he died in June this year. So now we have a new election and one of the candidates, the Dean of St Albans, is a self confessed homosexual. I refuse to call him 'gay' because that is a corrupted use of a good old word.

I'm divorced too and I am also quite happy to let homosexuals get on with their lives provided they don't bother me and my kids and refrain from describing their behaviour as normal - which it isn't or we would not be here today. There are many forms of reproduction in life on Earth but ..... Well you know what I mean.

I am an atheist too so perhaps I should not care about what happens in the Church. But I do for I know it matters to many in my acquaintance.

(And don't get me going on Mary Magdalene and forget that da Vinci Code nonsense. Christ may have loved her even though she was a whore but it didn't mean that he approved nor wanted something better for her.)

The Anglican Church, of which the Church in Wales is but a part, constantly relaxes its doctrinal beliefs to accommodate every aspect of human behaviour. I suspect that behind all this is a quest to boost church attendance; well it hasn't worked and it never will. Appeasement never does - look at Ethelred the Unready and Neville Chamberlain. Maybe the Archbishop of Canterbury will embrace al Qaeda next.

Not too long ago, I read something to the effect that statistically, your average Anglican Church member was aged 26, black and female. Maybe we should put one of them in charge. We might see a lot more common sense.

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