Sunday, 19 October 2008

Colin Powell

Sunday, October 19th, 2008

Oh goody, Colin Powell has come off the fence (his usual place of sitting) and gone for Barack Obama. Well, the election is November 4th so it's time he did something. Lord if we had waited for someone like him, D-day would have been in 1950. He seems to be a really nice bloke but he describes himself as a 'reluctant soldier'. Well I'd rather my soldiers were a little less reluctant, thank you.

He was not in favour of the first Desert War to liberate Kuwait, a fact attested to by many American military writers; he wanted to continue negotiations with Saddam Hussein. He was in favour of the more recent invasion of Iraq but now admits that the WMD intelligence was incorrect. There is an inconsistency here. He wanted to go to war based on 'intelligence' but was reluctant to do so when even the most basic TV channel showed that Kuwait was occupied and burning.

Course, in the meantime he became Secretary of State. I have absolutely no abiding memories of his incumbency.

As I said, a really nice bloke but methinks he is a wuss.

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