Thursday, 13 November 2008

The shit bin

Thursday, November 13th, 2008

This, I was once told, is the trade term for that place in the supermarket where all the discounted goods, nearing their 'Sell by' date are placed. That's fine for in this age of paranoia about litigation, it still means that the food has a few days to go. And anyway, you can take the stuff home and freeze it. Not only that but there is often a lot of less commonplace but more interesting food there. You don't see many chicken breasts there but the other day, I picked up two nice partridge and two delicious leg of lamb steaks each at half price.

Be careful of the fish, though. I know your nose should tell you but sometimes, it is well sealed and then you have no clue. And always check to see that the dratted stuff is freezable.

Only one problem with shit bins as far as I can see: they are often surrounded by a scrummage of pensioners. Then you have to use your elbows to get to the front.

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