Wednesday, 26 November 2008

Presidential pardons

Wednesday, November 26th, 2008

I understand that it is customary that outgoing US Presidents can pardon just about anyone he pleases no matter what they have done. (Correct me if I am wrong here.) And we are not talking about the single mother who broke into the gas meter to get money for her starving kids (although, these days, the money would just as likely go on heroin.)

Oh no, some may be convicted big-time criminals. George W. has already pardoned 'Scooter' Libby, Dick Cheney's aide and convicted perjurist and obstructor of justice. Lined up for pardons are a Republican Congressman who took $2 million in bribes and Edward W. Edwards, 4 times Governor of Louisiana who got 10 years for racketeering and many others convicted felons. It is said that Michael Milken, the billionaire who copped it for securities fraud is hoping to 'clear his name.' 'Clear his name?' I ask, more like 'get of the bloody hook.'

I really cannot agree with these 'Get out of jail' cards. It's all very feudal. But then I guess if Pontius Pilate had pardoned Jesus instead of Barabbas, we might never have had Christianity.

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