Saturday, 1 November 2008

The nanny state

Saturday, November 1st, 2008

Another subject which could be a whole blog in itself. But let's attend to latest, here in Wales.

We now have a ban here on hospitals putting 'junk food' in vending machines that is the likes of crisps (potato chips, America), chocolate and sugary drinks. It is said to be aimed at tackling obesity. The hypocrisy of it all is that those hospitals who have long term contracts with vending agents will be allowed to carry on until their contracts finish.

Back in mid 2006, in my Arctic diary, I speculated that the persecution of the fatties would follow that of the smokers. And so it has come to pass.

Meanwhile, Health & Safety regulations strike again, this time in Llandovery. There is a tradition here whereby, each year, Christmas trees are hung on the walls of shops and the market hall. Not so for 2008 because the local council has deemed the climbing of ladders clutching a Christmas tree to be far too dangerous for their workers. They can't afford scaffolding or cherry pickers so the shopkeepers have been told that they must do it themselves if they wish. One assumes that if they fall off, they will only have themselves to sue.

The world is going daft. A couple of year's ago, at work, we had a guy injure his shoulder when barging against a door. He then tried to sue us 'because we hadn't trained him on how to open a door.'

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