Wednesday, 19 November 2008

Community leaders

Wednesday, November 19th, 2008

Who the fuck are these people? Do you have a 'community leader' for I certainly can't think of one around here. Is it my doctor? Is it the local vicar - well that's unlikely because I don't even know where the nearest church is and he's never come knocking on my door inviting me to join in on 'Onward, Christian Soldiers.' In fact, the only people who knock on my door are friends, neighbours, the postman and people who are trying to sell me something.

Bottom line is that I seem bereft of 'community leadership' which is fine by me because I don't want any bugger telling me what to do. I can manage on my own, thank you.

But every time there is a spot of bother in some town or city in the UK, you know like the odd arson attack or riot, the press say that 'community leaders' have stepped in to 'counsel' the community. Bollocks, if I got a petrol bomb through the front window, I'd want the police to catch the bastards and I wouldn't want any soothing words from my local councillor.

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