Monday, 3 November 2008

Don't mess with me

Monday, November 3rd, 2008

Several years ago, I went into High Wycombe centre with two friends and my ex-partner. It was impossible to park so while Nisha went off to find birthday cards, the rest of us cruised to avoid the parking wardens.

At one point, we sat outside a church on the look out for the 'parkies'. A car drove into the churchyard and a couple got out. They sauntered out of the churchyard and headed for town, the woman being first. I shouted, 'Look at that, she has nothing to do with the Church. God, smite her down.'

And so she tripped and fell prostate on her face. The others in the car seemed shocked. I thought it was reasonable.

As my mom said, 'God does not pay his debts in money.'

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