Sunday, 16 November 2008

A blow for freedom

Sunday, November 16th, 2008

Ashford, a town in Kent. has scrapped its traffic lights and other road use restrictions. From now on, all road users will have equal rights be they walking, riding a bike, driving a car or travelling by bus. Obviously, everyone has to use their common sense and the suggestion is that the use of eye contact will let others know of your intentions. 'Guide Dogs for the Blind' have objected but as I see it, blind people can just wave their white stick; I'd stop for that and give them a little beep.

The speed limit has been reduced to 20 mph, traffic humps and chicanes have been removed and kerbs lowered to blur the distinction between road and pavement.

I think the whole concept is bloody wonderful and I do hope that it succeeds.

It makes sense too. Green lights give you the right of way and all too often, you move forward without looking for you have that 'right of way' so it's tough shit for the poor bugger who steps out in front of you. Some times, the traffic lights are broken and all drivers are very careful then. I live not far from a busy road junction and I have found that I can get across it in pretty much the same time whether the lights are broken or not.

Ditto at crossroads. I always preferred the American system where everyone has to stop and then proceed with caution on a first come, first served basis.

This is all about 'live and let live' and that is marvellous.

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