Sunday, 11 January 2009

Yobs and chavs

Sunday, January 11th, 2009

When it comes to bad behaviour, we Brits are simply world champions. This first came to me back in 1970 when I went to Amsterdam. Walking the streets I saw those glass topped canal cruisers parked up for the night and I thought, no chance back home, they'd be bricked.

So in 39 years, what's changed? Nothing! Given that the average chav breeds at the age of 14 or so, we are talking of almost 3 generations. And why should things change with a Government which is continually telling everyone that 'it's not your fault' and a bunch of middle-class chatterers + The Guardian saying pretty much the same.

So today, I read of a Caribbean cruise ship which, failing to fill up with full priced tourists, sold off the remainder at bargain prices. And then we had fighting , booing the captain on New Year's Eve, kids pissed out of their minds, food and ciggie butts thrown around and an attempt to set light to the Christmas tree.

This lot will never learn without a bloody good smack.

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