Wednesday, 14 January 2009


Wednesday, January 14th, 2009

Why the hell would you want to talk about doors? You may well ask. It just a thought that came to me today when I was in a supermarket and noticed that a former entrance/exit was shut. Fact is, it’s been closed for ages. Why I wonder? What’s the point of having a bloody door if it is never open?

So let's just think about doors for a min for we take them for granted. In the USA, shop doors open outwards onto the sidewalk - great news if you are escaping from a fire, bad news if you are a pedestrian straying too close to the windows. In the UK, we do the opposite so that's fine for pedestrians but bad for inferno escapes.

Then you get double doors and times without number, one of them is locked. Why? What's the frigging purpose of having double doors if one of them is always locked? One of my very first acts when I became an MD was to tell the Facilities Manager to unlock the 2nd door.

Rotating doors? Yeah ok from a heat conservation point of view but a pain in the butt for the rest of us. And, of course, no bloody use if you want to take in a fair size package. Hate them.

Lift or elevator doors? Amusing I think cus it's always a lottery to see how well the sensors react to trapping you.

I like big doors and big keys. The doors to Tamworth Parish Church must have been three times my height and the key was almost a foot long so you felt really important when opening that.

Yes, I know that doors are prosaic but as usual there is more to them than meets the eye. And I have only scratched the surface.

Pity I did not buy those oils in Montmartre.

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