Thursday, 15 January 2009

Prince Harry & Pakis

Thursday, January 15th, 2009

OK so Prince Harry has been caught addressing one of his fellow soldiers as 'Paki'. To read and listen to media commentary, you think he'd ravished those four and twenty virgins coming down from Inverness. (And, if you don't know the song, look it up.)

Well, I get called 'English' and sometimes much worse since I live in Wales. When I worked in Australia, I naturally got called a 'Pommie.' Can't say any of this have ever bothered me. But then as Oscar Wilde said, 'To be an Englishman is to belong to the most exclusive club in the world.' Damn right it is!

To have one's origins identified by a single word, be it in short or in full, does not seem to be an offensive crime, well at least to me. It's what people go on to say that may well cause offence. So if Harry had called his mate a 'Paki bastard' that might have been reprehensible. And so on and so on.

A load of fuss about nothing and it still gets us no further from quitting Afghanistan.

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