Tuesday, 6 January 2009

UFO sighting

Tuesday, January 6th, 2009

I believe in UFO's in the sense that we may see things flying which we cannot identify but I do not believe in flying saucers or alien spacecraft. However this experience is interesting, so read on.

In the evening of January 1st, around 7 pm, I parked my car outside my sister’s house in Two Gates, Tamworth, Staffordshire. As I reached the door, I saw two bright orange lights rise above the northern horizon. They moved swiftly and silently across the sky without flickering and disappeared when they were high and roughly north west. The disappearance was not instantaneous, more like a quick fade. The transit took no more than two minutes.

Before they disappeared, another pair rose and followed much the same track, disappearing in the same position. Finally, a group of 3 objects followed the same track. These started as a V formation but as they moved, they spread apart.

My sister and her husband watched this with me.

The disappearance pattern was similar to those Echo satellite balloons which quickly faded as they entered the moon’s shadow. However, the sky that night was cloudy.


Aircraft? – Unlikely for aircraft do not emerge from the horizon unless they are taking off, Further, they were totally silent and did not carry red and green beacons.

Hot air balloons? – Too fast to be these. And what would hot air balloons be doing at that time of night.

Ball lightning? I don’t know enough about this phenomenon to comment.

Satellites? Maybe but the sky was cloudy.

The following is from the BBC Coventry website:

on Friday evening we saw 4/5 lights in the sky nr whitestone Nuneaton nr coventry they were in a row and were there for a while then went behind cloud we went back next day to see if they could have been on the top of anything but it was just open fields At first I thought it was a block of flats but when we turned the corner there was nothing there just these dull lights in a row what do you think they could have been ?many thanks jean

richard kane
03-01-2008 at 5.15 I saw 4 bright orange lights over earlsdon moving slowly accross the sky they were all quite close to each other and moving in unison, in a triangular formation.did you see them too

Paule Clarke
My husband and I were on our way back from a funeral at 5.00 pm 2nd Jan 2009 when we spotted at least 5 orange orbs in circular formation in the night sky. They drifted off towards Coventry like a flight of birds in slow-motion. They seemed to be silent and moved out of sight within three minutes. We are not fanciful people but could not explain what it could be - if it were aircraft they were flying too close and their shape was not consistent with normal aeroplanes.

Similar sightings were made in the Evesham area at Chrismas.

I don't understand this. Make of it what you will.

P.S. Update January 7th. They were Thai or Chinese sky lanterns, sort of mini hot air balloons and have puzzled people around the world. Thanks Vanessa.

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