Tuesday, 6 January 2009

Sorting a school bully

Tuesday, January 6th, 2009

Many years ago, in the early 80's I think, my son was being bullied at school. Kids don't want to talk about this but I eventually got it out of him and the perpetrator was some kid down the road.

I resolved the matter very simply. A few days later, I caught the bully alone walking past my house. I grabbed him and pushed him against a garden fence. It wasn't a conversation rather a monologue on my part. Basically, it was something like - 'Look you little shit, if you touch my son again, I am going to break your fucking leg. And yeah you may well go home and send your dad round to beat me up. But if you do then I surely will break your fucking leg the next time I catch you.'

I was deliberately profane to scare him and I don't apologise for my son was never bullied again.

Interestingly, the nanny in the movie 'The hand that rocks the cradle' used the same tactics many years later.

As I have said before, appeasment never works and you have to get down to their level.

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