Thursday 6 January 2011


This is a big ‘no-no’ for human beings on religious grounds and supposedly genetic grounds too. Despite a lack of desire, indeed no impulse, to have sex and babies with my wonderful and beautiful daughter, I still have to question the logic of the opposition to interbreeding.

I am not a geneticist. Don’t know much about it but it seems to me that both genetic disabilities and benefits would multiply rapidly with interbreeding. So that way the bad guys would be quickly wiped out in a few generations while the good guys would be successful. Seems to work with animals. Several species have been restored from a small breeding stock to healthy populations.

Yes, I do know about biodiversity; even travelled with a lady who did a Ph.D in the subject. All I am doing here is asking a question.

1 comment:

Jayne said...

Just about every Emirati related (allegedly) thanks to all the inbreeding. First choice (by parents) for a wife for the son is ALWAYS a cousin.
Brings 'relative humidity' to life dunnit?