Wednesday, 10 December 2008

Low energy light bulbs 2

Wednesday, December 10th, 2008

The insanity continues. The EU, surely the most interfering, idle and overpaid bunch of assholes on the planet, has announced that tungsten light bulbs are to be banned from 2010. Some British clown has pointed out that apart from lower electricity consumption, the replacement bulbs last 4 times longer and only cost 3 times as much. Oh yeah, he must be referring to those piddling 40w equivalent ones I talked about earlier. You try buying a 100w equivalent and you are talking of up to 10 times as much.

However, the main point is that apart from warm up time, the light from the new ones simply isn't right and of course, they flicker with the mains frequency. Most of us won't notice this but a substantial minority say they will and I can understand that.

Me, I shall go out and buy up 100 x 100w and say 50 x 60w tungsten ones and draw the curtains for soon we shall have the 'light bulb' police added to the list of enforcement organisations. I suspect I shall not be alone in taking this stance.

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