Monday, 15 December 2008

100 best .....

Monday, December 15th, 2008

We get TV programmes like this all the time. You know the idea, 100 best movies, 100 best albums and so on. Usually, the top 100 is determined by the votes of a minimal bunch of viewers like 2,000. No one ever gives the confidence limits of such a sample but I bet it's low. And it shows in the results - whoever was polled must have the memory of a fucking goldfish given the number of the most recent events to appear in the top 10. You know what I mean, 'Dark Side of the Moon' makes it to 65 while some mindless recent trash comes in at no. 2. Have you ever tried to buy a cheap copy of 'Dark Side of the Moon' recently? You can't for it endures and they have no need to discount it.

I watched Channel 4's 100 best TV ads today and quite honestly, I have no recollection of the winners. The Hovis 'Bike ride' ad on which I wrote earlier got to about 25th place but among all but the kids, it is possibly the most memorable ad of all time. And something new I learned today: it was directed by Ridley Scott. I think that says it all.

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