A reflection for you:
301. Some historians have said that the Battle of Hastings was the most important battle in human history. (Here I borrow in part and add my own thoughts). It created a unified nation state and led to an Anglo-Saxon hegemony greater than even Rome and one, which eventually dominated this world in its values to this day. It will be interesting to see if Asia can manage the same over the next 1,000 years.
I have thought about this more since I wrote those words about a year ago.Anglo-Saxon? Were the Normans Anglo-Saxon? If so, then OK; if not, they will need to be added in. However, William of Normandy is said to be descended from a Dane called Rollo so that would count him in.
Dominates this world? No, not really. Islam doesn't seem to hold its values and China's position is questionable. But notice how many despots and dictators (even Putin) wish themselves to be portrayed as democratic even when they are not. Democracy still holds the moral heights.
However, I guess when it comes to the idea of democracy and basic freedom, then for all its faults, the West and many other countries in this world still strive to hold these values dear. Sure we had a long way to go after 1066 and much blood was spilt on the road as we progessed. I am sure that Britain was unhappy with the American War of Independence but they were only doing what we would have done in similar circumstances. Same goes for the Irish fight for independence and Kenya and the rest. I got no quibble with any of them although I'd like to have done away with the bloodshed.
Marx evolved his ideas in London and remains buried in Highgate Cemetary. Would he even have been allowed to write his stuff elsewhere? You may well ask - Paris maybe (but they were stoned on absinthe at the time), Vienna even but he chose London where you can pretty much write what you want apart from an assassination plot on the Queen or an assault on the London Eye.
Will Chinese values inherit the world? I doubt it for all the peace and philosophy of their ancient culture. They have lost it now. Islam? No fucking chance. If Olduvai is the cradle of mankind, then Sumer is the cradle of civilisation and for millennia, the Arab world led the way. I could ramble on about them but I might get a visit from al Qaeda.
Democracy was not born at Hastings of course. The Greeks seemed to be rather fond of it but were too busy writing poetry and fornicating with boys so they never let it out of the Mediterranean. Hastings paved the way and, after writing all this crap, that is really all I wanted to say.
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