Monday, 7 June 2010

Gulf of Mexico oil spill

I am angry about this, very angry. Obviously I bitterly regret the environmental damage but that is not what I am angry about today. I am angry about America's response and that really pisses me off big time. Obama has been down there three times now, done fuck all and ranted on and on about BP paying for the mess. I said he was going to be another Jimmy Carter long before he was elected and now he is proving my point. Then the media does nothing but focus on BP to the extent that they are marching on the street calling for a boycott on BP's gas stations.


BP own 65% of the well, which is to say the oil at the bottom. Anakardo Petroleum (American)own 25% and Mitsui (Japanese) own 10%. You ever heard the latter two mentioned?

The failed drilling rig is owned and manned by Transocean, another American company. Obama mentioned them? NO! They have made a statement to say they were only drilling to BP's specifications. Absolute bollocks. In my time in the motor industry, meeting the specification of the car producer was no excuse. If the product wasn't good enough and we pleaded that we met the spec in self defence, their answer was simple. 'Look we employed you as experts in your field. If our spec was deficient, then it was up to you to point it out.'

The well head was capped by Halliburton, another American company. You may have heard of them because they were big buddies of Dick Cheney and made lots of money out of the war in Iraq.

And to cap it all, if you will forgive the pun, someone sent me a video link on Texas trials on an oil eating microbe. Seems they trialled this many years ago and the little buggers chewed up all the oil in days, left no toxic waste and promtly died. Not only that but the cultures can be dried, stored and brought to life and squirted through fire hoses. So why haven't those whining gulf states stockpiled the stuff?

Fuck Obama. He's lost my vote, not that I had one in the first place of course.

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