Watched a TV programme on this subject the other night. The first half was quite amusing since it told the story of British ‘black propaganda’ in WWII when we apparently circulated salacious stories about the sexual behaviour of Nazis by radio and by leaflets. All the usual stuff, ‘while you boys are the frontier, the lads back home are knocking off your wives.’ Saw the same stuff back in the 80’s on the toilet wall’s of the Lucas Lighting factory in Cannock Staff. Then the words were something like, ‘while you Brummies are working here, the niggers of Aston are screwing your wives’. Distasteful but as old as the hills.
Hitler apparently liked being shit and pissed on by women, kicked at times so this filled him with self loathing which he then revenged himself by smacking other countries. Have you ever heard so much utter crap (no pun intended)?
So given that Stalin and Mao killed many more, what where their little kinks? And what about Genghis Khan or Attila the Hun? Silence. And what of Robert Mugabe? Well, I'd like to shove his head into a pile of shit but I don't think he would like it.
Is it just not faintly possible that Hitler’s motivation was simply driven by the terms of the Treaty of Versailles, the desire of the French to rub Germany’s nose in the dirt, the economic circumstances of the Weimer Republic and the anti Semitism of the Austria in which he was raised? Sure, I’d add he did not have a happy childhood as well but we don’t need all this Freudian psychoanalysis.
Freud was vain and wrote in the Victorian era when talk of sex was considered impolite. He seems to consider this repression to be the root of all evil. Me, I’d like to discover Mr. Freud’s kinks for I sure that they were a major driving force to his own conclusions. And I’d whip him. LMAO.
Many forms of human behaviour can be predicted by watching and observing and they need no Freudian analysis. Perhaps they are innate but that would not go down well with the psychoanalysts for that’s not simple enough for them. Try conformity to the group for one; it seems to be quite universal whether or not you've screwed your mother.
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