We live in a world of being told what not to do and are rarely encouraged on what we should do. The American road crossing sign which brusquely says 'WALK,' is one of the latter and so is the green traffic light but they are in the minority.
A new takeaway has opened up nearby on on its door it has a 'No smoking' sign plau a note to the effect that it is against the law to smoke on the premises. Well, we know that and anyone who doesn't must have been in a coma these past two years. I don't suspect the takeaway will be getting many visits from blind Mongolians so the sign is redundant.
Remember what I said about the Ashford, Kent project where they took down all the road signs and made pedestrians and motorists equal and left them to their own judgement? Well reactions have been mixed but the experiment continues. Some guy moaned that such experiments may have worked well on the Continent because 'their motorists were different.' Damn right their motorists are different - they kill far more people for the most part. Any league table on road death will show the UK very near the bottom.

Anyway, I'll leave you with this. It is a sign at the entrance to the Summer Palace in Beijing. It takes the biscuit.
And in case you are wondering, the centre bottom one means 'No fireworks.' I never figured that out so I had to ask a Chinese friend.
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