Tuesday, 3 February 2009

Racial epithets

Tuesday, February 3rd, 2009

It seems like Carol Thatcher, Maggie's daughter, is in deep trouble with the BBC after referring to a tennis player in the Australian Tennis Open as a 'golliwog'. It seems that she was talking about a man which is OK for if she was talking about the gorgeous Serena Williams, I would have been mortally offended.

OK she should not have said it. I think it is quite harmless to use racial epithets with people you know, in both directions - providing you both accept it. I call a friend, 'my melanic blonde' and she thinks it's funny; not only that but she now calls herself by the same title occasionally. You do, naturally, have to know someone well to do this.

But all this is above the heads of the BBC. They want an apology from Ms. Thatcher or she will never go on air again. They got one from Russell Brand & Jonathan Woss for phoning Andrew Sachs and saying they had fucked his daughter.

I just wonder if the BBC would have banned our Woss if he had not apologised and there had not been a public outcry. Somehow I don't think they would.

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