Wednesday, 31 March 2010

Wasted food

We in the UK are said to waste enormous amounts of food. Here in Cardiff, they even provide us with biodegradeable bags to put the stuff in and it is collected weekly with other compostible material. Most of the stuff I put in there is inedible anyway - bones, husks, outer coating of pineapples, orange peel etc. And I am someone who doesn't peel potatoes or carrots or the like so you can hardly call me wasteful.

But it isn't all the consumer's fault. So much stuff is sold in quantities that defy complete usage even if you have a family of say 4 or 6. Celery is a real culprit. It doesn't keep fresh for too long although I dare say I could blanch it and freeze it. However most recipes call for one stalk or two and all the supermarkets sell is the whole bloody bunch. Do I really want to spend all day preparing different things with the stuff to save the planet?

Our Government wishes to discourage or even ban 2 for 1 food offers saying that much is wasted. They can piss right off as far as I am concerned. I live alone but I am quite happy with the savings I can make on '2 for 1' providing I can freeze the 2nd portion for another day. If I cannot freeze it, then I don't buy it.

1 comment:

Jayne said...

Handy hint :-)
If you top & bottom the celery stalks, use what you want & then wrap the rest in tinfoil. It'll keep at least a fortnight in the fridge :-)

I'm full of useless information y'know!