Sunday, 17 January 2010

Animal intelligence

The Sunday Times today publishes an article on animal intelligence. Here is the link if you wish to read it:

The conclusion is that there is no digital divide between the intelligence of humans and the rest of the animal world. Am I surprised? No. You only have to watch your fellow men to see that a spectrum of intelligence already exists there so why not carry this on to the animals?

Many, many years ago, late 60's I think, I got the usual knock on the door from the Jehovah's Witnesses. They gave me a book about creation. Read it and marked it up but they never came back so I could not argue with them. One picture I remember well showed human beings on a cliff top and across the canyon, the rest of the animal world. It was meant to portray that we were uniquely created by God and that the animals were our servants. Thought it was bollocks then and think it more so today.

As I have grown older, I have travelled more and watched animals more and that has lead me to believe that intelligence is a continuum. Who knows what dolphins could do if they had hands?

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