Wednesday, 23 December 2009

Anglican church is doomed

Oh, it surely is. I have talked about appeasement before and the way it never succeeds. The Anglican Chrurch seems to yield to every shift in public opinion in the vain hope of hanging onto its congregation and perhaps gaining a few more. Yet it has done neither. Hasn't been all appeasment though; there has been welcome opposition to homosexuals being elevated to high office and you can read your Bible to see what God thinks of that. Same with masturbation and contraception - just look up Onan.

The latest piece of shit is an Anglican priest who says if you've got nothing then it's fine to shoplift from national chain stores but not the little people. He qualifies his remarks by saying only take what you need and no more. He says that shoplifting is better than burglary, drugs and prostitution and there I would agree with him. But would it not have been better if he had said that it's all wrong.


It's all desperate but don't resort to crime! Come round, have a cup of tea and let's see if we can find a new way?

I doubt he thought of this - 'too difficult' folder.

What next I wonder? Robbing banks is OK cus they all have fat bonuses. Abuse a BA cabin crew member cus they are overpaid. No nearby public toilets? Fine then shit in the gutter.You don't like morning service: OK we'll make it Heavy Metal. It is a downhill road and they have been on it for years. Dear God this Church is insane.

The Roman Catholic church is authoritarian as was Margaret Thatcher. The Anglican church just flows with the breeze. And if you follow the breeze, you end up where the wind dumps you.

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