Thursday, 19 November 2009

Impotent chiefs

Tonight, we (well not 'we' as such for we the people have no say in this) have elected the first President of the European Union. He is apparently, the prime Minister of Belgium, but I doubt that few outside Belgium have ever heard of him. And never forget that Belgium was once described as the 'opposite of charisma.' Same goes for the Secretary-General of the UN. Do you know who is? I can't be arsed to even Google it. It will be a name like 'Bum Arse Twat' and he'll be from some country that has never appeared on the world stage nor even made any effort to change it. And so it goes on. I have no bloody idea who leads the world's major international organisations - NATO, UNESCO, UNICEF, and so on. There was a Burmese guy who once headed the UN, U Thant as I recall. Seemed to be a nice guy which must have put him in a minority of, say 5, in that Godforsaken country.

So what do these people achieve? Bugger all. I am sure that they are all very nice and good company for dinner. They may even like cats. But as the saying goes, 'You can't make omelettes without breaking eggs.' It's time we put real leaders in these jobs or scrapped them altogether.

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