Friday, 31 July 2009

Being white, male and English

We live in an age where one is not supposed to discriminate against others on the grounds of race, religion or sex (well gender as it is now called). I am OK with all that. However there is one segment of society that is exempt from this protection and I am one of them. The Americans used to call them WASP’s – White Anglo-Saxon Protestants. I fit that even though I have moved on from Protestantism to atheism. I do however have two further attributes that disqualify me from the protection of the law: I am English and male.

So what does this mean in the eyes of others?

I was born white so that means I am probably racist.

I am male so that means I feel superior and have both exploited women and suppressed their advancement.

I was born English so that means I have exploited the planet and its people.

I can be called a ‘pom’ by an Aussie but Prince Harry cannot call a colleague a ‘Paki’

I was born poor so that means I am a victim of class discrimination. Did I notice it? Yeah, vaguely but I got over it.

I went to a grammar school so therefore I was privileged

I am cleverer than most so I must be a ‘smart arse’.

I adore kids but it don’t make me a paedophile. Kids are the future of this world

I have been moderately successful so that means I have been lucky.

I don't believe in God but I respect the Bible. Glasgow is offering people to write obscenities on it. Let them offer up the same to the Koran and see where that gets them.

I plead not guilty on every count and you know what?

I do not give a fuck.

Do I care? Hell no! I am just trying to illustrate the crap that pervades our media for I have met real people and not had the shit I have outlined above.

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