Wednesday, 1 April 2009

Falkland Islands

Wednesday, April 1st, 2009

In the forthcoming G20 summit, it is expected that once again the President of Argentina will raise the question of the sovereignty of the Falkland Islands. Well she has already been told recently to bugger off and she should be told so again in no uncertain manner.

A glance at any map will tell you that the Falkland Islands are miniscule alongside the land mass of Argentina itself.

Argentina is a vast and beautiful country with all the resources necessary to make it a successful economy yet it continues to fail to make the grade. The people I have met there are extremely pleasant and seem to have no interest in the Malvinas as they call them. On the other hand the back streets of Buenos Aires are as squalid as any I have seen in this world. And they are so menacing. Nowhere else in this world have I seen so many cars burned out in the street and some of them were overturned in the middle of the road.

Only went to one company there and the factory was as well protected as Fort Knox. They even sent a driver to pick me up from my hotel, saying that I could not be safe in a taxi. A friend of mine, visiting another company, had to put his passport in a little basket lowered down on a piece of string from an upstairs window. Only after it had been checked were the electric gates briefly opened. Even Monty Python could not have come up with anything so bizarre.

I don’t see Cristina Kirchner as a bad lady. However the pursuit of this cause places her in the company of others who have sought to distract their people from domestic issues by pointing at others. Hitler did it with the Jews, Idi Amin with the Asians and early Rome distracted the rebellious plebeians by telling them they were under threat from external tribes.

Here at home with unemployment rising, it's immigrant workers. I may talk about that later.

Plus ça change.